Friday, December 31, 2021

EM 12c/13c Send Email Notification When OMS or Repository Database Down

In Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c/13c deployment, normally the OMS is responsible for sending all metric alert notifications, but in cases where the OMS or repository database is down, it is not able to do this. Therefore,  the Out of Band email notification is introduced as a backup mechanism for sending email notification when the OMS or repository database itself is down.

When it happens, the email notification will be generated by the agent which monitors the OMS and Repository target (oracle_emrep) target. Therefore this method is only applicable to the agent which is installed on the same machine as the OMS (also known as the chained agent). In the case of a multi-OMS setup, the Agent on the primary OMS node is responsible for monitoring the oracle_emrep target.

The Out of Band email notification is implemented by configuring Agent property on OMS host or primary OMS node of multi-OMS setup. Configuring steps as following,

1. Stop agent on the OMS host

  <AGENT_INST_HOME>/bin/emctl stop agent

2. Set agent properties

Add following lines to agent property files <AGENT_INST_HOME>/sysman/config/
Line 2 set email address(es) to which the email notification will be sent. You can specify more than one email address separated by commas. For example, in my lab system, it is configures as following,
3. Start agent

  <AGENT_INST_HOME>/bin/emctl start agent

4. Validate the properties with following commands

  <AGENT_INST_HOME>/bin/emctl getproperty agent -name emd_email_gateway
  <AGENT_INST_HOME>/bin/emctl getproperty agent -name emd_email_address
  <AGENT_INST_HOME>/bin/emctl getproperty agent -name emd_from_email_address

The commands should return the values configured in step 2.

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